I do not have time to read, but the books just keep getting stuck to my face. UF, HF, YA, fluffy romance, whatever. I love it all.
But I might judge you if you hand out five stars all willy nilly.
Attention Team Kade!
You are going to freaking love this book.
Was that spoilery?
I don't even care.
You should all be Team Kade anyways.
I devoured this in less than 24 hours and while it had it's issues, I still spent most of that time like this:
And now I want to turn around and start it again so I can reabsorb the best bits; I was speed reading the first time.
This series still befuddles me in some ways, though.
How does she do it? How does Tiffany Snow string me along and keep me invested enough that I will overlook the fact that:
1. Kathleen is almost killed on every page.
2. She heals faster than the freaking Wolverine and every morning she is bright and shiny, ready for new injuries.
3. There's an impossible love triangle that in most situations would make me lose my mind.
4. Sometimes the plot doesn't flow smoothly and there is always a "shocker" at the end that kind of comes out of nowhere.
5. Kathleen is super smart but occasionally does things that make me say
Yet, somehow she not only makes me overlook them...
I just gave this book 4.5 stars.
How does she do it??
Okay, I do know.
I love Kade.
The end.