24 Following


I do not have time to read, but the books just keep getting stuck to my face. UF, HF, YA, fluffy romance, whatever. I love it all.


But I might judge you if you hand out five stars all willy nilly. 

Currently reading

The Untold
Courtney Collins

quotes Kira likes

I Would Recommend It

The Bronze Horseman
Tatiana and Alexander
The Light Bearer
Mark of the Lion Trilogy
Redeeming Love
The Hunger Games
The Winter Rose
Daughter Of The Forest
Rules of Civility
Just One Day
True Love Story
The Fault in Our Stars
How to Kill a Rock Star
The Shadow Reader
Unravel Me
Clockwork Princess

Kira's favorite books ยป

Turn on a Dime - Blane's Turn (The Kathleen Turner Series)

Turn on a Dime - Blane's Turn (The Kathleen Turner Series) - Tiffany Snow Ok, is it Kade's turn yet? I found myself skimming this just to catch glimpses of him. Hearing Blane's thoughts through this book was fine but didn't do much to endear me to him. He's still not the right guy for Kathleen. But all of Blane's fans will say the same thing about Kade so what can you do? I'm still firmly Team Kade. Where is the next book already?!