I do not have time to read, but the books just keep getting stuck to my face. UF, HF, YA, fluffy romance, whatever. I love it all.
But I might judge you if you hand out five stars all willy nilly.
I don't know if its just that I've read way too many J.Lynn/Armentrout books in the last couple months, or if I'm burned out on the NA genre already, or maybe because it's July and this book is set in a snow storm, but I'm adding this book to my "great shelf of meh."
I feel like I've read it all before. Probably because I have.
Other than that, the story itself wasn't terrible, it was just sort of middle of the road and there wasn't much that made me want to keep turning pages. The subplot with them being sabotaged during a snowstorm wasn't even a mystery, we all knew who it was from the beginning... well, except for Kyler and Sydney. They were pretty surprised. It felt a little silly and overly dramatic when the majority of the book really centered on Kyler and Sydney working out their changing relationship once they were snowed in. They had a lot of issues to work through and could have spent more time actually doing that if J.Lynn wasn't busy trying to make the book more exciting. My main nit pick: Kyler's "past" was the main reason that they had never been together, even though they've supposedly loved eachother since childhood, but Sydney is able to forget all that because
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I dunno. I think I just like a little more mystery in my books. I want to wonder how it will end, and be excited to flip pages to get there. These NA college romances can be sweet, but they can also be predictable. If you don't mind knowing how it will end from the get-go, and you want a little escapism, then go for it. I didn't find anything special about this one though.