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I do not have time to read, but the books just keep getting stuck to my face. UF, HF, YA, fluffy romance, whatever. I love it all.


But I might judge you if you hand out five stars all willy nilly. 

Currently reading

The Untold
Courtney Collins

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I Would Recommend It

The Bronze Horseman
Tatiana and Alexander
The Light Bearer
Mark of the Lion Trilogy
Redeeming Love
The Hunger Games
The Winter Rose
Daughter Of The Forest
Rules of Civility
Just One Day
True Love Story
The Fault in Our Stars
How to Kill a Rock Star
The Shadow Reader
Unravel Me
Clockwork Princess

Kira's favorite books ยป

Wicked as They Come

Wicked as They Come - Delilah S. Dawson

This was one of the more imaginative worlds I've seen in this genre. A magical carnival run by vampires in steampunk Victorian clothing? I LOVED that part. It was like The Night Circus with a sense of humor. I did lose interest about halfway, but I don't know if I can blame the book. It was a little hijinxy with all the capers Criminy and Letitia got into, but it was still entertaining. I just think I'm vampired out and wasn't fully in the mood for this one, hence the three stars. If I had read it in the height of my urban fantasy mania it may have gotten 4.


I did love Criminy though. How could I not?


"What are you doing?" I asked him. "I'm letting you get used to the idea of me," he said idly. "I'm pretending to be harmless. Is it working?"